STXM Spectromicroscopy Particle Analysis Routines

버전 (1.2 MB) 작성자: Ryan Moffet
Spectromicroscopic analysis of atmospheric nanoparticles (aerosols)
다운로드 수: 1.3K
업데이트 날짜: 2010/10/19

라이선스 보기

An automated data analysis method for atmospheric particles using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy coupled with near edge X-ray fine structure spectroscopy (STXM/NEXAFS). This method is applied to complex internally mixed submicron particles containing organic and inorganic material. Several algorithms were developed to exploit NEXAFS spectral features in the energy range from 278-320 eV for quantitative mapping of the spatial distribution of elemental carbon, organic carbon, potassium, and non-carbonaceous elements in particles of mixed composition. This energy range encompasses the carbon K-edge and potassium L2 and L3 edges. STXM/NEXAFS maps of different chemical components were complemented with a subsequent analysis using elemental maps obtained by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM/EDX). We demonstrate application of the automated mapping algorithms for data analysis and the statistical classification of particles.

인용 양식

Ryan Moffet (2025). STXM Spectromicroscopy Particle Analysis Routines (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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