
버전 3.0.0 (121 KB) 작성자: Ben Petschel
Determines a minimal graph vertex colouring. Includes a browser to visualise the numerous examples provided.
다운로드 수: 27
업데이트 날짜: 2023/8/24

라이선스 보기

Files included:
  • graphbrowser.mlapp - a browser app for the numerous examples in graphgallery.m
  • graphcolouring.m - a function to determine a minimal vertex colouring of a graph
  • graphgallery.m - a function providing numerous example graphs
  • graphgirth.m - a function calculating the girth of a graph
  • graphinfo.m - a class for holding information about a graph
  • graphradiusdiameter.m - a function calculating the radius and diameter of a graph
  • randgraph.m - a function to generate a random graph with n vertices and probability p of each edge
graphbrowser and graphcolouring both require the Optimization Toolbox, however for graphbrowser it's only if you press the "Colour vertices" button.
Use of the browser app is straight forward and the functions have extensive documentation.

인용 양식

Ben Petschel (2025). graphcolouring (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2023a
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

refactored graphgallery to use graphinfo class; added chromatic index and description and url info to browser


Added graph girth calculation


Added a few more examples to the gallery


Added a graph gallery with numerous examples and a browser app to visualise graphs and colourings


Improved efficiency and add a random graph generator
