barweb (BARgraph With Error Bars)

버전 (2.78 KB) 작성자: Bolu Ajiboye
Plots a fully customizable grouped bar graph with error bars
다운로드 수: 39.1K
업데이트 날짜: 2009/10/1

라이선스 보기

barweb.m calls the BAR and ERRORBAR MATLAB functions to produce bar graphs with error bars. The resultant graph is fully customizable, from group naming to legend inclusion to colormap setting. It assumes an m-by-n y-input matrix and plots m groups of n bars. The errorbar matrix must be setup the same way as the barvalues matrix (i.e. same dimensionality, matched values must have same indexes)

barweb(barvalues, errors, width, groupnames, bw_title, bw_xlabel, bw_ylabel, bw_colormap, gridstatus, bw_legend)

인용 양식

Bolu Ajiboye (2025). barweb (BARgraph With Error Bars) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Changed the usage information

1) Now able to plot 1 vs 2-sided barwebs
2) Now able to show legend along x-axis or on standard plot
3) Made code more robust by using bar children features rather than calculating x positions manually
4) other small fixes

Updated to return handles to different aspects of plot