barwebpairs (pair bars within groups and between groups)

버전 (2.92 KB) 작성자: Joris Lambrecht
Add pairing brackets to a bar plot (e.g. to indicate statically significant differences)
다운로드 수: 1.6K
업데이트 날짜: 2010/5/5

라이선스 보기

Use 'barweb' function by Bolu Ajiboye (submitted to file exchange on Oct 1 2009) to generate a bar plot with error bars.

Usage: barwebpairs(h, pairsBG, pairsWG)
* h: handle returned by barweb
* pairsBG: between groups pairs: 1 x n cell array (where n is number of subgroups), each cell contains p x 2 matrix with pairings (where p is the number of pairings for the subgroup, may differ in each cell). The bracket will be drawn in color of subgroup
Ex. PairsBG = {[1 2; 1 3; 2 4] , [2 3]}
pairs groups 1->2, 1->3, and 2->4 for subgroup1
and groups 2->3 for subgroup2
* pairsWG: within group pairs: 1 x m cell array (where m is number of groups), each cell contains p x 2 matrix with pairings where p is the number of pairings in the group, may differ in each cell). The bracket will be drawn in black

1. Groups are labeled by group names and clustered together. Subgroups are different colors (according to the colormap).
2. The barweb plot must be the active axis
3. The axes will be adjusted to fit the brackets
4. To only include within group pairings set pairsBG = []
5. Within group brackets are plotted first. Each bracket is plotted at the minimum y-value (above bars and errorbars between the paired subgroups). No two brackets within the same group will be plotted at the same y-value. They will be plotted in the order of the pairing matrix, with row 1 lowest. 6. Between group brackets are plotted second. Each bracket is drawn at the minimum y-value (above any within-group brackets, bars, and errorbars between the paired groups). No two brackets will be plotted at the same y-value; they are plotted in the order of the pairing matrix, with row1 lowest.
7. Use barweb ver 2.3 by Bolu Ajiboye (also on Matlab Central)

인용 양식

Joris Lambrecht (2024). barwebpairs (pair bars within groups and between groups) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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