Problem 56623. Acid-Base Chemistry: Which side of the reaction is more favorable?

In an Acid-Base reaction, there is always going to be an acid, a base, a conjugate acid, and a conjugate base. When provided with the pKa values for the acid and the conjugate acid, it is possible to determine which side will exist in a greater concentration, i.e. is more favorable.
To determine which side is more favorable, use the equation:
If the products are favored, then K > 1. If the reactants are favored, the K < 1. If neither side is favored, the K = 1.
Write a function that recieves the pKa values of the acid and conjugate acid, respectively, as an array and outputs which side of the reaction is more favorable. If the reactants are favored, the function should yield "reactants", and vise versa. If the pKa for both the acid and the conjugate acid are equal, the the function should output "neither side is favored"

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76.0% Correct | 24.0% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Sep 01, 2023

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