Determine Data Types in Simulink

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Matthias 2011년 6월 15일
Hi, I just like to know which data types and which Signal Dimension is used inside my Simulink model. Therefore, in the menu bar I pike the following: Format > Port/Signal Displays> Port Data Types and: Format > Port/Signal Displays> Signal Dimensions
After this selection, labels appear above the connection lines between the different Simulink Models, for example: double or double[8*1] or double(8)
It is clear that double stands for a single sample. I think double[8*1] stands for a 2D-Array with 8 columns and 1 row.
My questions: What means double(8) ? What is the difference between double[8*1] and double(8) ?

채택된 답변

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2011년 6월 16일
double(8) is a 1-D signal of 8 elements, while double[8x1] is a 2-D signal with 8 rows and 1 column. A number of source blocks (like Constant, Sine Wave, Step) have a parameter called "Interpret vector parameters as 1-D check box" which can produce such 1-D signals.

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