How do I open the Header/Footer in a Word programatically from MATLAB?

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
Joe 2011년 2월 7일
편집: Walter Roberson 2024년 10월 14일
I have code to open up a word document and edit the body of the document; however I don't know how to open/edit the header/footer. Does anyone know how to do this?
  댓글 수: 2
Jan 2011년 2월 7일
Does this question have any connection to Matlab? If so, please explain any details.
Joe 2011년 2월 7일
Yes it does, currently have an M-File which opens up a word document to edit the body of the active document; however, I am unsure as to how I can access the header/footer. Fangjun Jiang's answer below is getting me on the right track, but I am unsure as to how I need to define the Header/Footer(Index)

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채택된 답변

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2011년 2월 7일
I assume you want to access the header/footer in a Word document through Matlab m-script.
You can find these info in the Word help document, Microsoft Word Visual Basic Reference.
Here is the text regarding the Herder/Footer object:
Using the HeaderFooter Object Use Headers(index) or Footers(index), where index is one of the WdHeaderFooterIndex constants (wdHeaderFooterEvenPages, wdHeaderFooterFirstPage, or wdHeaderFooterPrimary), to return a single HeaderFooter object. The following example changes the text of both the primary header and the primary footer in the first section of the active document.
With ActiveDocument.Sections(1) .Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text = "Header text" .Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text = "Footer text" End With
  댓글 수: 7
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2011년 2월 8일
Try this:
I see there is a property called "Cells".
The point is that you probably need to drill down the structure of objects and properties of the Word application and find the right object and property to modify.
sitaramireddy Lankireddy
sitaramireddy Lankireddy 2019년 3월 15일
How to extract header and footer for scanned documents? Any idea? please suggest.

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추가 답변 (1개)

Philipp 2024년 10월 14일
I am trying to use this code, but there are some issues.
I have an existing word template which I want to reuse. It has already an header inside it.
When coding hSections=hDoc.Sections.Add; I get an unwanted new section into my word file.
Without it Headers is an unrecognized funciton or variable.
Maybe you can help on how to get access to an existing header without changing the rest of the word file?


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