TLC problem with "LibBlockInputSignal"

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
uli terlinden
uli terlinden 2013년 10월 15일
Hi there,
i guess this is not an issue for an experienced user:
i want to acces the inputs of my SFCN in mdlDerivatives. Now my TLC file won't work:
I get some error using
%<LibBlockInputSignal(0, "", "", 0)> %<LibBlockInputSignal(1, "", "", 0)>
(Error: Simulink Coder Error: The specified port index 'Number' should be a number between 0 and 1.)
At the moment i have put those TLC commands into my file, later i'm planning to use a loop, but for now, even this doesn't work, and I'd like to know why.
Thanks for reading so far

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