string of the button edit

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
zhiping 2011년 6월 8일
hi, I have a question about button edit. Generelly in the string of edit, we can only input a line of data. Can we input the data in different line?

채택된 답변

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011년 6월 8일
'edit' – Editable text fields enable you to enter or modify text values. Use editable text when you want free text as input. To enable multiple lines of text, set Max-Min>1. Multiline edit boxes provide a vertical scroll bar for scrolling. The arrow keys also provide a way to scroll. Obtain the current text by getting the String property. The String property does not update as you type in an edit box. You must click away from the edit box to update its String property and activate its callback.
  댓글 수: 1
zhiping 2011년 6월 8일
Thanks a lot.

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