Struggling to create STFT form FFT

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
shawn finley
shawn finley 2021년 8월 12일
댓글: shawn finley 2021년 8월 16일
Due to the version of Matlab that I am running (R2018a) I can not use the stft or the spetrgram functions that are available in later versions.
I need to use the fft() comand with a time interval (or window )and I am struggleing to do so below is my current code.
The ultimate goal is to get a velocity plot from the signal.

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Yazan 2021년 8월 15일
편집: Yazan 2021년 8월 15일
There are several open-source Matlab-based time-frequency toolboxes, which all provide implementations of the STFT. Check some of them, which can be found by a simple google search. One of them is an old toolbox provided by F. Auger. A more popular one probably is the one developed by B. Boashah. Moreover, Matlab provides a function for computing the spectrogram, which was introduced before R2006a.
  댓글 수: 1
shawn finley
shawn finley 2021년 8월 16일
Thanks for the links and I do not have the Signal toolbox needed to run the spectrogram command.

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