How to change the origin of waypoint in UAV Package Delivery

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Robert Naquila
Robert Naquila 2021년 8월 7일
답변: Robert Naquila 2021년 8월 7일
I want the UAV to travel from [-20,1] to [-88.1056,74.2231] while avoiding obstacles (oaMission) as seen in figure below.
To do this, I modified the first 2 waypoints of oaMission as seen in the image below.
I also updated the initial translation from the Simulation 3D UAV Vehicle as seen in image below
When Simulink was running at the first 3 seconds, the unreal engine started at the assigned starting point [-20,1]. However, the scene suddenly went back to the original starting point [-185.82188,-104.91064,0].
Am I missing something?

채택된 답변

Robert Naquila
Robert Naquila 2021년 8월 7일
Solved it by changing the the "world position" of the Quadrotor Plant in Multirotor/ Inner Loop and Plant Model/ Low Fidelity Model (see image below).

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