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How to delete the dropdown items permanently using button in app designer

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
I am adding items to dropdown using "ADD button", and stroing those values permanently in appdesigner dropdown items.
Like the same way i need to have a "DELETE button" to delete the selected dropdown item permanently. I tried the below code which deletes the selected item successfullt. However if i close and open the app once again, the perviously deleted item is present .
Properties(access = publix)
%% .m file to store the dropdown items into the workspace permanently
dropown = {};
save('dropdown2.mat' , 'dropdown');
%% Appdesigner code
%% Startup function
app.DropDown.Items = dropdown;
%% Add function to add items to dropdown menu and to store those items in dropdown2.mat
app.new = app.EditField.Value;
dropdown(:,end+1) = {app.new};
app.DropDown.Items = dropdown;
%% Delete button callback function
[~,idx] = ismember(app.DropDown.Value,app.DropDown.Items);
app.DropDown.Items(idx) = []; %% This delete function call back is deleting the item temporarily. When I re-run the app
%% the deleted item is still present.
%% Please help me to delete the items permanently from dropdown2.mat file also

채택된 답변

Rik 2021년 8월 5일
When you delete an element you need to save the mat file again.
You should also consider loading to a struct instead of poofing the variables in the workspace.
  댓글 수: 3
Rik 2021년 8월 5일
You already show you know how to save a mat file, so here is an example of loading to a struct:
This way it is always clear where variables are coming from.
Harish M Y
Harish M Y 2021년 8월 5일
Thank you so much, this code works for me

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