How to create a loop for the following problem in MATLAB?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
WASIM ASHRAF 2021년 7월 27일
답변: Prateek Rai 2021년 7월 30일
% OBJECTIVE: To determine total radiation (I_t) for a whole year.
% Here n is no of day of the year. Here n is varying from fisrt day to last day of a year.
% According to this n variation a loop formation is required.
n = 1 : 1 : 365;
% FOR the months of year from ASHRAE-1972 MODEL
% A,B,C are Variables and depend on month value. Each value corresponds to a perticular month.
A = [1202 1187 1164 1130 1106 1092 1093 1107 1136 1136 1190 1204];
B = [0.141 0.142 0.149 0.164 0.177 0.185 0.186 0.182 0.165 0.152 0.144 0.141];
C = [0.103 0.104 0.109 0.120 0.130 0.137 0.138 0.134 0.121 0.111 0.106 0.103];
B_1 = (360/365)*(284+n);
EOT = 9.87*sind(2*B_1) - 7.53*cosd(B_1) - 1.5*sind(B_1);
LON = 87.23; % Longitude
LSM = 82.58; % Local Standard Meridien
LStT = 14.0; % 2 PM
LST = LStT + EOT/60 + 4*(LON - LSM)/60;
Hour_angle = 15*(LST-12);
phi = 22.35; % Latitude
beta = 20; % tilt angle
gama = 15; % Surface azimuth angle
delta = 23.45*sind((360/365)*(284+n));
omega_s = acosd(-tand(phi)*tand(delta));
alpha_s = asind(cosd(phi)*cosd(delta)*cosd(Hour_angle) + sind(phi)*sind(delta));
theta_z = 90 - alpha_s;
theta_1 = acosd((sind(delta)*sind(phi)*cosd(beta) + cosd(delta)*cosd(Hour_angle)*cosd(phi)*cosd(beta) + cos(delta)*cosd(Hour_angle)*cosd(gama)*sind(phi)*sind(beta) + cosd(delta)*sind(beta)*sind(gama)*sind(Hour_angle) - sind(delta)*sind(beta)*cosd(phi)*cosd(gama)));
theta = theta_1 - 90;
I_bn = A*exp(-B/cosd(theta_z));
I_b = I_bn*cosd(theta_z);
I_d = C*I_bn;
r_b = cosd(theta)/(sind(delta)*sind(phi)+cosd(delta)*cosd(Hour_angle)*cosd(phi));
rho= 0.2;
r_r = rho*(1-cosd(beta))/2;
r_d = (1+cosd(beta))/2;
I_t = I_b*r_b + I_d*r_d + (I_b+I_d)*r_r;
  댓글 수: 3
WASIM ASHRAF 2021년 7월 28일
@Ankit I'm facing to create a for loop for this, because my n value varying from 1 to 365 but A, B and C are different for different months. How to create loops for these?

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답변 (1개)

Prateek Rai
Prateek Rai 2021년 7월 30일
To my understanding, you want to create a “for” loop where your “n” value is varying from 1 to 365 (representing day of a year) and “A”, “B” and “C” are changing depending on the month.
I have created a “for” loop for your problem.
Note: Comments enclosed within % -- … --% represent my comments for the modification.
Here is the code for your assistance:
% OBJECTIVE: To determine total radiation (I_t) for a whole year.
% Here n is no of day of the year. Here n is varying from fisrt day to last day of a year.
% According to this n variation a loop formation is required.
% -- Here using for loop -- %
for n = 1 : 1 : 365
% FOR the months of year from ASHRAE-1972 MODEL
% A,B,C are Variables and depend on month value. Each value corresponds to a perticular month.
% -- Replacing A with A_month, B with B_month, C with C_month -- %
A_month = [1202 1187 1164 1130 1106 1092 1093 1107 1136 1136 1190 1204];
B_month = [0.141 0.142 0.149 0.164 0.177 0.185 0.186 0.182 0.165 0.152 0.144 0.141];
C_month = [0.103 0.104 0.109 0.120 0.130 0.137 0.138 0.134 0.121 0.111 0.106 0.103];
% -- Choosing A, B and C as per month -- %
month_index = 0;
if n >= 1 && n <=31 % Jan
month_index = 1;
elseif n>=32 && n<=59 % Feb
month_index = 2;
elseif n >= 60 && n <=90 % Mar
month_index = 3;
elseif n >= 90 && n <=120 % Apr
month_index = 4;
elseif n >= 121 && n <=151 % May
month_index = 5;
elseif n >= 151 && n <=181 % Jun
month_index = 6;
elseif n >= 182 && n <=212 % Jul
month_index = 7;
elseif n >= 212 && n <=243 % Aug
month_index = 8;
elseif n >= 243 && n <=273 % Sep
month_index = 9;
elseif n >= 273 && n <=304 % Oct
month_index = 10;
elseif n >= 304 && n <=334 % Nov
month_index = 11;
elseif n >= 334 && n <=365 % Dec
month_index = 12;
A = A_month(month_index);
B = B_month(month_index);
C = C_month(month_index);
B_1 = (360/365)*(284+n);
EOT = 9.87*sind(2*B_1) - 7.53*cosd(B_1) - 1.5*sind(B_1);
LON = 87.23; % Longitude
LSM = 82.58; % Local Standard Meridien
LStT = 14.0; % 2 PM
LST = LStT + EOT/60 + 4*(LON - LSM)/60;
Hour_angle = 15*(LST-12);
phi = 22.35; % Latitude
beta = 20; % tilt angle
gama = 15; % Surface azimuth angle
delta = 23.45*sind((360/365)*(284+n));
omega_s = acosd(-tand(phi)*tand(delta));
alpha_s = asind(cosd(phi)*cosd(delta)*cosd(Hour_angle) + sind(phi)*sind(delta));
theta_z = 90 - alpha_s;
theta_1 = acosd((sind(delta)*sind(phi)*cosd(beta) + cosd(delta)*cosd(Hour_angle)*cosd(phi)*cosd(beta) + cos(delta)*cosd(Hour_angle)*cosd(gama)*sind(phi)*sind(beta) + cosd(delta)*sind(beta)*sind(gama)*sind(Hour_angle) - sind(delta)*sind(beta)*cosd(phi)*cosd(gama)));
theta = theta_1 - 90;
I_bn = A*exp(-B/cosd(theta_z));
I_b = I_bn*cosd(theta_z);
I_d = C*I_bn;
r_b = cosd(theta)/(sind(delta)*sind(phi)+cosd(delta)*cosd(Hour_angle)*cosd(phi));
rho= 0.2;
r_r = rho*(1-cosd(beta))/2;
r_d = (1+cosd(beta))/2;
I_t = I_b*r_b + I_d*r_d + (I_b+I_d)*r_r;


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