Ranking values - sorting into descending order

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
david crowley
david crowley 2021년 7월 24일
답변: Max Heiken 2021년 7월 24일
I have a that for each row (i) ranks the column values. However, it ranks them in the ascending order. I require it to be ranked in descending order. Can anyone help with modifying the below code block to descending order?
for i = 1:height(d)
[temp, ranked] = ismember(X(i,:),unique(X(i,:)));
rnkR1List(i,:) = ranked;

채택된 답변

Max Heiken
Max Heiken 2021년 7월 24일
If you do not expect there to be duplicates, I too recommend to use sort instead.
[~, rnkR1List] = sort(X, 2, 'descend');
If you absolutely need identical values to have the same ranks, then you could extend your own code by just inverting the ranks:
for i = 1:height(d)
[temp, ranked] = ismember(X(i,:),unique(X(i,:)));
rnkR1List(i,:) = ranked;
max(rnkR1List, [], 2) - rnkR1List + 1;

추가 답변 (1개)

Yazan 2021년 7월 24일
Just use the Matlab function sort without any looping. See an example below.
X = randn(10, 10);
Xranked = sort(X, 2, 'descend');


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