Is there hardware support for Raspberry Pi camera module?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
yang 2013년 9월 26일
답변: Murat Belge 2014년 3월 7일
Anyone know if there is or will there be a hardware support for the Raspberry Pi camera module?
The current support package provides a simulink block 'V4L2' to handle video stream from usb camera but there is no similar block for handling the Rpi camera module.

답변 (4개)

tang 2013년 10월 17일
I have the same question.Some one help me.

Ahmed Eissa
Ahmed Eissa 2013년 12월 9일
I have the same question.Some one help me. (+1_

Murat Belge
Murat Belge 2014년 2월 25일
Yes, the Raspberry Pi Camera Board is supported. You basically use the "V4L2 Video Capture" block after loading the V4L2 driver for the camera. Instructions are posted in the File Exchange for Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware:

Murat Belge
Murat Belge 2014년 3월 7일
In R2014a release of MATLAB, a MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi has been released. This support package introduces a MATLAB interface for Raspberry Pi. You can, for example, write to and read from GPIO pins, control various devices connected to the Raspberry Pi via I2C, SPI or Serial interfaces, etc. This MATLAB interface also supports streaming images from the Raspberry Pi Camera Board to MATLAB.


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