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Undefined function 'Games' for input arguments of type 'double'. What am I doing wrong?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
So I'm supposed to describe a function and I'm getting it all wrong. Can anyone see the problem?
function file.
function y=Games(x,theta)
v0=10; y0=1.85; g=9.81;
Script file
plot([0 14],[0 0],'green'), hold on
plot(x,Games(x,15)), text(6.4,1.6,'15^o')
plot(x,Games(x,30)), text(6.4,3.2,'30^o')
plot(x,Games(x,45)), text(6.4,4.6,'45^o'), hold off
title('games with v_0=10 m/s and diff \theta')
xlabel('x'), ylabel('y(x)')
axis equal, axis([0 14 -2 6])

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013년 9월 25일
You need to have stored the function Games in the file Games.m and it needs to be on your current MATLAB path.

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