How can I make a check box toggle when plot has different type?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
sadel 2011년 6월 4일
Here is what I have done so far.
[W,fs]=wavread(FileName); %this reads a wave file
[~,~,~,P]=spectrogram(W(:,end),tres,tres/2,fres,fs); %tres is time resolution %and fres is frequency resolution.
I=flipud(-log(P)); %here 'I' gives the spectrogram image in a matrix.
imshow(I,[]); %this line will display the image.
now my question is if I choose a pixel co-ordinate from the image matrix I how can I get its frequency?
  댓글 수: 1
sadel 2011년 6월 4일
How can I "ask" the axes object if there is a plot already and what type is it? If there is a bode or rlocus or....

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Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011년 6월 4일
ErrorFlag=1; %the code inside the while is executed
%replace this line with your plot command
%if the plot command works without any error all worked fine so:
ErrorFlag=0; %change the flag to 0, the loop stops after this line
catch err
%if the error happens
cla %clear the axes
%axis is cleared so you can plot any type of plot
Answer edited, Jan Simon suggestion added.
The check box status remains the same.
If you want to send the error to the command line add this line after the catch:
LError=lasterror; disp(LError.message);
  댓글 수: 5
sadel 2011년 6월 4일
Thank you both!!!
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011년 6월 4일
good and simple advice Jan :)

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