LeapYear Loop/Repeat

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Ainars Cernavskis
Ainars Cernavskis 2021년 7월 6일
편집: Sam 2021년 7월 6일
So i made a leap year calculator and each time when it displays an answaer that its a leap year or not it asks the user if they want to repeat or not , but i dont know how to make it so it would repeat/loop .If you could show me where/what i missed would be great .
function year
year = input (' Enter the year : ');
if mod(year,4) == 0 disp ('Is a leap year')
condition = input("Would you like to repeat? (yes/no)\n", 's') == "yes";
elseif mod(year,100) == 0 disp ('false')
elseif mod(year,400) == 0 disp ('true')
else disp ('Is not a leap year')
condition = input("Would you like to repeat? (yes/no)\n", 's') == "yes";

답변 (1개)

Sam 2021년 7월 6일
편집: Sam 2021년 7월 6일
function year
condition = "yes"
while strcmp(condition,"yes") == 1
year = input (' Enter the year : ');
if mod(year,4) == 0
if mod(year,400) == 0 disp ('true')
elseif mod(year,100) == 0 disp ('false')
else disp ('true')
else disp ('false')
condition = input("Would you like to repeat? (yes/no)\n", 's') == "yes";


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