Can this differential equation be solved using matlab pdepe solver?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Akshay Deolia
Akshay Deolia 2021년 7월 1일
편집: Amit Bhowmick 2021년 7월 1일
I'm looking to solve the PDE given below:
d2y/dx2 - y + f(x,t) = dy/dt
here - f(x,t) is a source term depending on location "x" and time "t"
Initial Condition: y(x,0) = 0
Boundary condition: y(x=0, t) = 0
y(x=L, t) = -dy/dx (robin boundary condition or mixed boundary condition at x = L; this is for convection)
Can this be solved using matlab's pdepe solver? If so, how? If not, what toolbox/command is needed to solve this type of PDE?

답변 (1개)

Amit Bhowmick
Amit Bhowmick 2021년 7월 1일
Look at this
  댓글 수: 2
Akshay Deolia
Akshay Deolia 2021년 7월 1일
Hello Amit,
Thanks for your response. I'm particularly interested in solving the PDE with the "y" term in it, for example:
d2y/dx2 - "y" + f(x,t) = dy/dt. How can such an equation be solved in Matlab?
I can already solve the PDE without the "y" term in it i.e. the PDE: d2y/dx2 + f(x,t) = dy/dt
I solve it using the pdepe solver.
Amit Bhowmick
Amit Bhowmick 2021년 7월 1일
편집: Amit Bhowmick 2021년 7월 1일
With y term you can solve, s would be s=-y+f(x,t), not sure about robin boundary conditions.

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