how to make flux based model + inverter

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
changjoo lee
changjoo lee 2021년 6월 22일
답변: Sabin 2023년 12월 6일
I made a flux model based on dakai hu's 'High Fidelity Nonlinear IPM Modeling Based on Measured Stator Winding Flux Linkage' paper.
In this model, I control the speed and apply the load torque.
I need an inverter model because I want to model the inverter nonlinearity.
By incorporating inverter here, I want to make a model that controls torque/current and controls speed at the load.
how can i make it?

답변 (1개)

Sabin 2023년 12월 6일
This system can be modeled in Simscape Electrical with existing blocks (PMSM or FEM-Parameterized PMSM and Converter (Three-Phase or custom converter based on high fidelity semiconductor devices).
If you prefer to use Simulink based simulation you can check the Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter in Powertrain Blockset:
If you preffer an average inverter, check the Average-Value Inverter in Motor Control Blockset:


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