Convert a Complex Number to exponential real
조회 수: 43 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I am looking for help to calculate value of a complex number say x = 2 +1j*5 using exponential function
Thanks you
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채택된 답변
Robert U
2021년 6월 16일
Hi Jogger,
x = 2 + 1j * 5;
r = sqrt(real(x)^2 + imag(x)^2);
phi = atan2(imag(x),real(x));
fprintf(1,'z = r * exp(j*phi)\nr = %.2f\nphi = %.2f',r,phi)
Kind regards,
댓글 수: 0
추가 답변 (1개)
2021년 6월 16일
MATLAB has builtin functions abs (or hypot()) and angle() for the above explicit implementations...
>> x=complex(2,5);
>> cmplx2exp=@(x) deal(abs(x),angle(x));
>> [r,theta]=cmplx2exp(x)
r =
theta =
댓글 수: 3
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