Include a Dual feed antenna in Simulink

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Visweswaran Karunanithi
Visweswaran Karunanithi 2021년 6월 14일
답변: Arthi Sathyamurthi 2021년 7월 21일
I am trying to import a dual feed antenna model into simulink and I am not able to do it.
For example, I used pcbstack to design a simple two-feed patch as shown here:
But now, if I should import this antenna into simulink where I am running a transmitter design and excite the two feeds using two different sources, is it possible?
I tried the Antenna block in simulink and I am able to import models only from "Antenna Designer" which does not have the option to design our own custom antenna.
Would be great is someone can share your insight into such designs. Also would be great if you can share some examples.
Thank you,

답변 (1개)

Arthi Sathyamurthi
Arthi Sathyamurthi 2021년 7월 21일
Hello Visweswaran,
Once you develop the MATLAB models of PCB antenna as in pcbStack you can make it as a MATLAB function and include the MATLAB code in your SIMULINK model by using the MATLAB Function block. To know how to create custom functionality using MATLAB Function block click here.


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