Error using comm.PhaseFrequencyOffset/parenReference Changing the size on input 1 is not allowed without first calling the release() method.
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How i use release method to generate oqpsk modulation on Audion wav file.
Code is
modulationTypes = categorical(["BPSK", "OQPSK",]);
trainNow = false;
if trainNow == true
numFramesPerModType = 10000;
numFramesPerModType = 10;
percentTrainingSamples = 80;
percentValidationSamples = 10;
percentTestSamples = 10;
sps = 8; % Samples per symbol
spf = 1024; % Samples per frame
symbolsPerFrame = spf / sps;
fs = 200e3; % Sample rate
[902e6 100e6]; % Center frequencies
numModulationTypes = length(modulationTypes);
channel = helperModClassTestChannel(...
'SampleRate', fs, ...
'SNR', SNR, ...
'PathDelays', [0 1.8 3.4] / fs, ...
'AveragePathGains', [0 -2 -10], ...
'KFactor', 4, ...
'MaximumDopplerShift', 4, ...
'MaximumClockOffset', 5, ...
'CenterFrequency', 902e6)
channelInfo = info(channel);
transDelay = 50;
dataDirectory = fullfile(tempdir,"ModClassDataFiles");
disp("Data file directory is " + dataDirectory)
fileNameRoot = "frame";
% Check if data files exist
dataFilesExist = false;
if exist(dataDirectory,'dir')
files = dir(fullfile(dataDirectory,sprintf("%s*",fileNameRoot)));
if length(files) == numModulationTypes*numFramesPerModType
dataFilesExist = true;
if ~dataFilesExist
disp("Generating data and saving in data files...")
[success,msg,msgID] = mkdir(dataDirectory);
if ~success
for modType = 1:numModulationTypes
fprintf('%s - Generating %s frames\n', ...
datestr(toc/86400,'HH:MM:SS'), modulationTypes(modType))
label = modulationTypes(modType);
numSymbols = (numFramesPerModType / sps);
dataSrc = helperModClassGetSource(modulationTypes(modType), sps, 2*spf, fs);
modulator = helperModClassGetModulator(modulationTypes(modType), sps, fs);
if contains(char(modulationTypes(modType)), {'B-FM','DSB-AM','SSB-AM'})
% Analog modulation types use a center frequency of 100 MHz
channel.CenterFrequency = 100e6;
% Digital modulation types use a center frequency of 902 MHz
channel.CenterFrequency = 902e6;
for p=1:numFramesPerModType
% Generate random data
x = dataSrc();
% Modulate
y = modulator(x);
% Pass through independent channels
rxSamples = channel(y);
% Remove transients from the beginning, trim to size, and normalize
frame = helperModClassFrameGenerator(rxSamples, spf, spf, transDelay, sps);
% Save data file
fileName = fullfile(dataDirectory,...
disp("Data files exist. Skip data generation.")
function modulator = helperModClassGetModulator(modType, sps)
switch modType
case "BPSK"
modulator = @(x)bpskModulator(x,sps);
case "OQPSK"
modulator = @(x)oqpskModulator(x,sps);
function y = oqpskModulator(x,sps)
persistent filterCoeffs
if isempty(filterCoeffs)
filterCoeffs = rcosdesign(0.35, 4, sps);
modulator = comm.OQPSKModulator('BitInput', true, 'SamplesPerSymbol', sps, 'PulseShape', 'Root raised cosine');
y = modulator(x);
function y = bpskModulator(x,sps)
%bpskModulator BPSK modulator with pulse shaping
% Y = bpskModulator(X,SPS) BPSK modulates the input X, and returns the
% root-raised cosine pulse shaped signal Y. X must be a column vector
% of values in the set [0 1]. The root-raised cosine filter has a
% roll-off factor of 0.35 and spans four symbols. The output signal
% Y has unit power.
persistent filterCoeffs
if isempty(filterCoeffs)
filterCoeffs = rcosdesign(0.35, 4, sps);
% Modulate
syms = pskmod(x,2);
% Pulse shape
y = filter(filterCoeffs, 1, upsample(syms,sps));
function y = helperModClassFrameGenerator(x, windowLength, stepSize, offset, sps)
%helperModClassFrameGenerator Generate frames for machine learning
% Y = helperModClassFrameGenerator(X,WLEN,STEP,OFFSET,SPS) segments the
% input, X, to generate frames to be used in machine learning algorithms.
% X must be a complex-valued column vector. The output, Y, is a size
% WLENxN complex-valued array, where N is the number of output frames.
% Each individual frame has WLEN samples. The window is progressed STEP
% samples for the new frame. STEP can be smaller or greater than WLEN.
% The function starts segmenting the input, X, after it calculates an
% initial offset based on the OFFSET value. OFFSET is the deterministic
% offset value specified as a real-valued scalar. SPS is the number of
% samples per symbol. Total offset is OFFSET+randi([0 SPS]) samples. The
% deterministic part of the offset removes transients, while the random
% part enables the network to adapt to unknown delay values. Each frame
% is normalized to have unit energy.
% See also ModulationClassificationWithDeepLearningExample.
% Copyright 2018 The MathWorks, Inc.
numSamples = length(x);
numFrames = ...
y = zeros([windowLength,numFrames],class(x));
startIdx = offset + randi([0 sps]);
frameCnt = 1;
while startIdx + windowLength < numSamples
xWindowed = x(startIdx+(0:windowLength-1),1);
framePower = mean(abs(xWindowed).^2);
xWindowed = xWindowed / sqrt(framePower);
y(:,frameCnt) = xWindowed;
frameCnt = frameCnt + 1;
startIdx = startIdx + stepSize;
function src = helperModClassGetSource(modType, sps, spf, fs)
%helperModClassGetSource Source selector for modulation types
% SRC = helperModClassGetSource(TYPE,SPS,SPF,FS) returns the data source
% for the modulation type TYPE, with the number of samples per symbol
% SPS, the number of samples per frame SPF, and the sampling frequency
% FS.
% See also ModulationClassificationWithDeepLearningExample.
% Copyright 2019 The MathWorks, Inc.
switch modType
case {"BPSK","GFSK","CPFSK"}
M = 2;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case {"QPSK","PAM4"}
M = 4;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case "8PSK"
M = 8;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case "16PSK"
M = 16;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case "32PSK"
M = 32;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case "16QAM"
M = 16;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case "32QAM"
M = 32;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case "64QAM"
M = 64;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case "128QAM"
M = 128;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case "256QAM"
M = 256;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case "GMSK"
M = 2;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case "OQPSK"
M = 2;
src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
% case "16APSK"
% M = 16;
%modOrder = sum(M);
% src = @()randi([0 M-1],spf/sps,1);
case {"B-FM","DSB-AM","SSB-AM"}
src = @()getAudio(spf,fs);
function x = getAudio(spf,fs)
%getAudio Audio source for analog modulation types
% A = getAudio(SPF,FS) returns the audio source A, with the
% number of samples per frame SPF, and the sample rate FS.
persistent audioSrc audioRC
if isempty(audioSrc)
audioSrc = dsp.AudioFileReader('audio_mix_441.wav',...
audioRC = dsp.SampleRateConverter('Bandwidth',30e3,...
[~,decimFactor] = getRateChangeFactors(audioRC);
audioSrc.SamplesPerFrame = ceil(spf / fs * audioSrc.SampleRate / decimFactor) * decimFactor;
x = audioRC(audioSrc());
x = x(1:spf,1);
classdef helperModClassTestChannel < matlab.System
%helperModClassTestChannel Test channel for modulation classification
% CH = helperModClassTestChannel creates an channel System object, CH.
% This object adds multipath fading, clock offset effects, and white
% Gaussian noise to a framed signal.
% CH = helperModClassTestChannel(Name,Value) creates a channel object,
% CH, with the specified property Name set to the specified Value. You
% can specify additional name-value pair arguments in any order as
% (Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN).
% The channel object uses the default MATLAB random stream. Reset the
% default stream for repeatable simulations. Type 'help RandStream' for
% more information.
% Step method syntax:
% Y = step(CH,X) adds multipath fading, clock offset effects, and white
% Gaussian noise to input X and returns the result in Y. The input X must
% be a double or single precision data type column vector. Each frame is
% impaired with an independent channel. The channel applies following
% impairments in the given order:
% 1) Add Rician multipath fading to input, X, based on PathDelays,
% AveragePathGains, KFactor, and MaximumDopplerShift settings. Channel
% path gains are regenerated for each frame, which provides independent
% path gain values for each frame.
% 2) Add clock offset effects.
% a) Frequency offset, which is determined by the clock offset (ppm)
% and the center frequency, as fOffset = -(C-1)*fc, where fc is the
% center frequency in Hz and C is the clock offset factor. clock offset
% factor, C, is calculated as C = (1+offset/1e6), where offset is the
% clock offset in ppm.
% b) Sampling offset, which is determined by the clock offset (ppm) and
% sampling rate, fs. This method first generates a clock offset value,
% offset, in ppm, based on the specified maximum clock offset and
% calculates the offset factor, C, as C = (1+offset/1e6), where offset
% is the clock offset in ppm. The signal is resampled using interp1
% function at a new sampling rate of C*fs.
% 3) Add Gaussian noise based on the specified SNR value. Channel object,
% CH, assumes that the input signal is normalized to unity power.
% System objects may be called directly like a function instead of using
% the step method. For example, y = step(obj, x) and y = obj(x) are
% equivalent.
% helperModClassTestChannel methods:
% step - Add channel impairments to input signal (see above)
% release - Allow property value and input characteristics changes
% clone - Create a channel object with same property values
% isLocked - Locked status (logical)
% reset - Reset channel object
% helperModClassTestChannel properties:
% SNR - SNR (dB)
% CenterFrequency - Center frequency (Hz)
% SampleRate - Input signal sample rate (Hz)
% PathDelays - Discrete path delay vector (s)
% AveragePathGains - Average path gain vector (dB)
% KFactor - Rician K-factor (linear scale)
% MaximumDopplerShift - Maximum Doppler shift (Hz)
% MaximumClockOffset - Maximum clock offset (ppm)
% See also ModulationClassificationWithDeepLearningExample.
% Copyright 2018 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Specify the SNR value in decibels. Set this property to a numeric,
% real scalar. The default is 20 dB. This property is tunable.
SNR = 20
%CenterFrequency Center frequency (Hz)
% Specify the center frequency as a double precision nonnegative
% scalar. The default is 2.4 GHz. Center frequency value is used to
% calculate expected frequency offset in the received signal based on
% the maximum clock offset value. This property is tunable.
CenterFrequency = 2.4e9
properties (Nontunable)
%SampleRate Sample rate (Hz)
% Specify the sample rate of the input signal in Hz as a double
% precision, real, positive scalar. The default is 1 Hz.
SampleRate = 1
%PathDelays Discrete path delays (s)
% Specify the delays of the discrete paths in seconds as a double
% precision, real, scalar or row vector. When PathDelays is a scalar,
% the channel is frequency-flat; When PathDelays is a vector, the
% channel is frequency-selective. The default is 0.
PathDelays = 0
%AveragePathGains Average path gains (dB)
% Specify the average gains of the discrete paths in dB as a double
% precision, real, scalar or row vector. AveragePathGains must have
% the same size as PathDelays. The default is 0.
AveragePathGains = 0
%KFactor K-factors
% Specify the K factor of a Rician fading channel as a double
% precision, real, positive scalar. The first discrete path is a
% Rician fading process with a Rician K-factor of KFactor and the
% remaining discrete paths are independent Rayleigh fading processes.
% The default is 3.
KFactor = 3
%MaximumDopplerShift Maximum Doppler shift (Hz)
% Specify the maximum Doppler shift for the path(s) of the channel in
% Hz as a double precision, real, nonnegative scalar. It applies to
% all the paths of the channel. When MaximumDopplerShift is 0, the
% channel is static for the entire input and you can use the reset
% method to generate a new channel realization. The
% MaximumDopplerShift must be smaller than SampleRate/10 for each
% path. The default is 0.
MaximumDopplerShift = 0
%MaximumClockOffset Maximum clock offset (ppm)
% Specify the maximum clock offset in ppm as a double precision,
% real, non-negative scalar. Channel generates a uniformly
% distributed random clock offset value between -MaximumClockOffset
% and MaximumClockOffset for each frame. This clock offset value is
% used to calculate frequency and timing offset for the current
% frame. The default is 0.
MaximumClockOffset = 0
properties(Access = private)
C % 1+(ppm/1e6)
function obj = helperModClassTestChannel(varargin)
% Support name-value pair arguments when constructing object
methods(Access = protected)
function setupImpl(obj)
obj.MultipathChannel = comm.RicianChannel(...
'SampleRate', obj.SampleRate, ...
'PathDelays', obj.PathDelays, ...
'AveragePathGains', obj.AveragePathGains, ...
'KFactor', obj.KFactor, ...
'MaximumDopplerShift', obj.MaximumDopplerShift);
obj.FrequencyShifter = comm.PhaseFrequencyOffset(...
'SampleRate', obj.SampleRate);
function y = stepImpl(obj,x)
% Add channel impairments
yInt1 = addMultipathFading(obj,x);
yInt2 = addClockOffset(obj, yInt1);
y = addNoise(obj, yInt2);
function out = addMultipathFading(obj, in)
%addMultipathFading Add Rician multipath fading
% Y=addMultipathFading(CH,X) adds Rician multipath fading effects
% to input, X, based on PathDelays, AveragePathGains, KFactor, and
% MaximumDopplerShift settings. Channel path gains are regenerated
% for each frame, which provides independent path gain values for
% each frame.
% Get new path gains
% Pass input through the new channel
out = obj.MultipathChannel(in);
function out = addClockOffset(obj, in)
%addClockOffset Add effects of clock offset
% Y=addClockOffset(CH,X) adds effects of clock offset. Clock offset
% has two effects on the received signal: 1) Frequency offset,
% which is determined by the clock offset (ppm) and the carrier
% frequency; 2) Sampling time drift, which is determined by the
% clock offset (ppm) and sampling rate. This method first generates
% a clock offset value in ppm, based on the specified maximum clock
% offset and calculates the offset factor, C, as
% C = (1+offset/1e6), where offset is the clock offset in ppm.
% applyFrequencyOffset and applyTimingDrift add frequency offset
% and sampling time drift to the signal, respectively.
% Determine clock offset factor
maxOffset = obj.MaximumClockOffset;
clockOffset = (rand() * 2*maxOffset) - maxOffset;
obj.C = 1 + clockOffset / 1e6;
% Add frequency offset
outInt1 = applyFrequencyOffset(obj, in);
% Add sampling time drift
out = applyTimingDrift(obj, outInt1);
function out = applyFrequencyOffset(obj, in)
%applyFrequencyOffset Apply frequency offset
% Y=applyFrequencyOffset(CH,X) applies frequency offset to input,
% X, based on the clock offset for the current frame and center
% frequency.
% fOffset = -(C-1)*fc, where fc is center frequency in Hz
% y = x .* exp(1i*2*pi*fOffset*t)
obj.FrequencyShifter.FrequencyOffset = ...
out = obj.FrequencyShifter(in);
function out = applyTimingDrift(obj, in)
%applyTimingDrift Apply sampling time drift
% Y=applyTimingDrift(CH,X) applies sampling time drift to
% input, X, based on the clock offset for the current frame and
% specified sampling rate, Fs. X is resampled at C*Fs Hz using
% linear interpolation.
originalFs = obj.SampleRate;
x = (0:length(in)-1)' / originalFs;
newFs = originalFs * obj.C;
xp = (0:length(in)-1)' / newFs;
out = interp1(x, in, xp);
function out = addNoise(obj, in)
%addNoise Add Gaussian noise
% Y=addNoise(CH,X) adds Gaussian noise to input, X, based on the
% specified SNR value. Channel object, CH, assumes that the input
% signal is normalized to unity power.
out = awgn(in,obj.SNR);
function resetImpl(obj)
function s = infoImpl(obj)
if isempty(obj.MultipathChannel)
% Get channel delay from fading channel object delay
mpInfo = info(obj.MultipathChannel);
% Calculate maximum frequency offset
maxClockOffset = obj.MaximumClockOffset;
maxFreqOffset = (maxClockOffset / 1e6) * obj.CenterFrequency;
% Calculate maximum timing offset
maxClockOffset = obj.MaximumClockOffset;
maxSampleRateOffset = (maxClockOffset / 1e6) * obj.SampleRate;
s = struct('ChannelDelay', ...
mpInfo.ChannelFilterDelay, ...
'MaximumFrequencyOffset', maxFreqOffset, ...
'MaximumSampleRateOffset', maxSampleRateOffset);
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