how to make a variable name from a string

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
xianghong 2013년 8월 16일
2013a version
>> test='eye'
>> value = [5,5,3]
value =
5 5 3
>> eval([sprintf(test) '= data+1']);
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
How to fix this error? Thank you for helping!

채택된 답변

kjetil87 2013년 8월 16일
편집: kjetil87 2013년 8월 16일
The error should not appear, your code looks to work exept for the part of 'data' , should this instead be value?
eval([sprintf(test) '=value+1'])
eye =
2 3 4
The index exceeds matrix dimension could be related to that you have at some point declared a variable in your workspace ( or funciton or whatever ) with the name of eval.
try typing
which eval
it should return that eval is a built-in function, if it returns eval is a variable there is the reason for your error. If so just use
clear eval
  댓글 수: 2
kjetil87 2013년 8월 16일
also the sprintf is not really needed. + also check out
xianghong 2013년 8월 19일
when I tried this morning, it worked! Thank you so much! Have a great week!

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추가 답변 (3개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013년 8월 16일

xianghong 2013년 8월 16일
This seems like to name the fields within a variable. If I just want to make a variable name from a string, how to do it? Thanks!
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013년 8월 16일
No, it is not just for creating field names within a variable. It shows a number of different alternatives to creating a variable from a string, recommending strongly that you use one of the alternatives instead of creating a variable dynamically. At the end of the FAQ it shows how to create a variable dynamically, for the rare case when you really need to do that. If you are not engaged in creating extensions to MATLAB itself, chances are that there is a better route than creating a variable dynamically.

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xianghong 2013년 8월 16일
EDU>> test='eye';
EDU>> value=[1,2,3];
EDU>> eval([sprintf(test) '=value+1'])
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Looks like it still gave the error. What shall I do?
  댓글 수: 2
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013년 8월 16일
Please use the command
clear eval
and then try again
xianghong 2013년 8월 19일
thank you so much! It worked this monday morning!
Have a nice day!

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