where do i make mistake in my loop

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
mehmet salihi
mehmet salihi 2021년 6월 5일
댓글: mehmet salihi 2021년 6월 5일
dear friends, i am facing problem in my for loop to draw the itertaion number versus w.
w has an effect to the iteration number of this problem, when Wopt is 1.78 and the iteration number is 63.
i am checking the number for w from 0 up to 2. for an example, i am sharing the iteration versus graph below my code.
thanks for your support.
close all, clc
format short
%Defining the constants
L=5; % length
H=5; % Height
jn=H/deltay % Maximum number of grid points along y
im=L/deltax % Maximum number of grid points along x
Si1=100; Si2=0; % boundary conditions
a= round(((cos(pi/im)+cos(pi/jn))/2)^2,4)
Wopt= round(( (2-2*(sqrt(1-a)))/a ),2) % Relaxation Method
w=0:0.01:2; % to draw iteration graph
% initialize T_old to the initial guess values
% set boundary conditions
Si_old(1,7:im+1)=Si1; % 5 ft TOP
Si_old(jn+1,1:im+1)=Si2; % 3 ft bottom
Si_old(1,6)=0.001; % inlet
Si_old(1:jn+1,1)=Si2; % 5 ft left side
Si_old(1:16,im+1)=Si1; % 3.8 ft right side
Si_old(17,im+1)=0.001; % outlet
Si_new = Si_old;
Error = 0.011; % could be any number that is greater than Errormax
for o=1:length(w) %the loop for iteration graph
while Error > Errormax
for i=2:jn
for j=2:im
Si_new(i,j)=(1-w(o))*Si_new(i,j) + (w(o)/(2*(1+Beta2)))* (Si_new(i-1,j)+Si_new(i+1,j)+Beta2*(Si_new(i,j+1)+Si_new(i,j-1)) ) ;
Error = sum(sum(abs(Si_old-Si_new),2)) ;
Si_old = Si_new;
if o==Wopt
disp(' ');disp(' Y x=0.0 X=1.0 X=2.0 X=3.0 X=4.0 X=5.0 ')
disp(' ');
disp([y' Si_new(:,find(abs(x-0.0) < 0.001)) Si_new(:,find(abs(x-1) < 0.001))...
Si_new(:,find(abs(x-2) < 0.001)) Si_new(:,find(abs(x-3) < 0.001))...
Si_new(:,find(abs(x-4) < 0.001)) Si_new(:,find(abs(x-5.0) < 0.001))])
disp(' '); disp(['Number of iteration for Point Successive Over Relaxation method is ',int2str(iter)])
plot(t(o),w(o)); hold on
  댓글 수: 2
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 6월 5일
Wopt= round(( (2-2*(sqrt(1-a)))/a ),2) % Relaxation Method
so Wopt is rounded to two decimal places
for o=1:length(w) %the loop for iteration graph
o will be an integer
if o==Wopt
are you sure you want to compare your two-decimal-place Wopt to the integer o ??
mehmet salihi
mehmet salihi 2021년 6월 5일
i had to put all matrix initialization inside the first loop. and some modification as you wrote have been done
thank you for help.

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답변 (1개)

Houssem 2021년 6월 5일
First t is not defined in the program, second w is not calculated in your program
  댓글 수: 2
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 6월 5일
is in the code.
mehmet salihi
mehmet salihi 2021년 6월 5일
i had to put all matrix initialization inside the first loop.
thank you for help.

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