Hi..I got downloaded some multispectral sensor data for my research from below link. But i couldn't read these .mat files on matlab? plz help me to access the .mat file version of images.

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
the link is
i got pavia, salinasA and indian pine data sets. But can't read any on matlab platform..i used multiband read command. but it shows error as missing some arguments..What should i do?

채택된 답변

D.Regan 2013년 8월 12일
Thanks for your reply. sry for me also, its working. But i don't know how to extract the details in the data. basically i'm naive to multispectral image processing. so don't know how to process the data..kindly guide me. thanks in advance.

추가 답변 (1개)

the cyclist
the cyclist 2013년 8월 11일
Did you try the load command?
load Indian_pines_gt.mat
Worked for me.
  댓글 수: 1
Akakporo Gab
Akakporo Gab 2013년 9월 12일
Hello there can you also help me on how to read MODIS bands of image I downloaded from http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ eg MOD13A1.A2011081.h18v08.005.2011103220705.hdf into Matlab. I am actually working on analyzing vegetation dynamics using multispectral image processing.

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