C2000 Embedded Coder: Debug Server Scripting Error

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Euan Andrew
Euan Andrew 2021년 5월 25일
댓글: ATOUI Adil 2021년 8월 21일
I am working on a clean install of Matlab, CCS, ControlSuite and C2000Ware. I can build C-code projects from CCS and deploy them to the hardware with no issues. However, when I try to build and deploy a model with embedded coder, I get the following error:
The following error occurred during deployment to your hardware board:
Debug Server Scripting (DSS) error:
*** User inputs:
Target Configuration: undefined
Program Name: undefined
Board Name: unspecified (connect to first board)
CPU Name: unspecified (connect to first CPU)
Hardware Name: unspecified
Boot From Flash: unspecified
*** Starting debug session...
SEVERE: Cannot read System Setup data from XML file C:\SimulinkCoder\MMPC_Test_ert_rtw\undefined
Error parsing file:
Fatal Error at (0, 0): An exception occurred! Type:RuntimeException, Message:The primary document entity could not be opened. Id=C:\SimulinkCoder\MMPC_Test_ert_rtw\undefined
SEVERE: Could not start server: DebugServer.1: Cannot read System Setup data from XML file C:\SimulinkCoder\MMPC_Test_ert_rtw\undefined
Error parsing file:
Fatal Error at (0, 0): An exception occurred! Type:RuntimeException, Message:The primary document entity could not be opened. Id=C:\SimulinkCoder\MMPC_Test_ert_rtw\undefined
*** Cannot create a valid debug session for Board/CPU=*/*.
Make sure this matches only one board and one CPU.
I'm working direct from a folder on my C drive with no spaces or special characters in the file names.
Any ideas how to proceed?

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Chidvi Modala
Chidvi Modala 2021년 5월 31일
You can refer to the following link where answer to similar problem has been provided
  댓글 수: 1
ATOUI Adil 2021년 8월 21일
if you can help me with the configuration of my f28335, I am using Matlab 2020a,

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