How to convert binartized image back to original image

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
i have binarized the image using the following code.
orgImage = imread('coins.png');
binImage = imbinarize(orgImage);
How to get back my orgImage from binimage?

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021년 5월 23일
What do you mean by "get back"? You still have it. Just because you passed it in to imbinarize(), that did not change or delete the original image. It is still there in your program (the workspace of your script or function).
If you somehow manually deleted it, then you cannot recover the original image because lots of gray scale images could give rise to the same binary image.
  댓글 수: 3
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021년 5월 24일
It is not possible. For example, you could multiply the original image by 2 and imbinarize would give you the same binary image. Therefore to "reconstruct" the original gray scale image, how would it know to give you the original image, or the one that had values twice as big? It could not know which to give you.
Saravanakumar Chandrasekaran
Saravanakumar Chandrasekaran 2021년 5월 28일
Thank you image analyst.. i got the concept

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