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how to solve the integer multiple of fixed-step size

조회 수: 135 (최근 30일)
Ryan loh
Ryan loh 2021년 5월 19일
댓글: Nur Aida Ariffah 2023년 8월 25일
when play the drive train
Invalid setting for fixed-step size (10000000.0) in model 'Drivetrain'. All sample times in your model must be an integer multiple of the fixed-step size.
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
The sample time period (5.0E-5) of 'Drivetrain/Drivetrain/Discrete-Time Integrator ' is not an integer multiple of the fixed step size (10000000.0) specified for model.
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
The sample time period (5.0E-5) of 'Drivetrain/Drivetrain/Discrete-Time Integrator1' is not an integer multiple of the fixed step size (10000000.0) specified for model.

답변 (1개)

Aghamarsh Varanasi
Aghamarsh Varanasi 2021년 5월 25일
The Fixed-step size is the time interval after which the solver solves a Simulink model. Hence, all the sample times in a Simulink model must be an integer multiple of the fixed-step size. In your example, the fixed-step size is 10000000(e7). And the sample time for the block 'Drivetrain/Drivetrain/Discrete-Time Integrator' is '5e-5', which is not an integer multiple of e7.
To solve this issue, you can set the fixed-step size of the model to be 'auto'. You can find this settings in the Solver > Solver Details > Fixed-Step Size in the Model settings.
Hope this helps
  댓글 수: 1
Nur Aida Ariffah
Nur Aida Ariffah 2023년 8월 25일
Hi, I have the same problem and i tried this method but it didn't work

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