Downloading and saving Excel files using Matlab

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
Joanna Przeworska
Joanna Przeworska 2021년 5월 18일
댓글: Joanna Przeworska 2021년 5월 20일
I would like to download this file: and save it in the folder, all using Matlab. Is there any way I can do this? I red about 'urlread' and 'urlwrite' however do not know how exactly use it for my purpose.
  댓글 수: 5
Rik 2021년 5월 18일
And what if you try websave?
Joanna Przeworska
Joanna Przeworska 2021년 5월 18일
Unfortunately it returns error as well...
Error using matlab.internal.webservices.HTTPConnector/copyContentToFile (line 412)
The server returned the status 403 with message "Forbidden" in response to the request to URL
Error in websave (line 107)
copyContentToFile(connection, filename);

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답변 (1개)

Rik 2021년 5월 18일
It seems this website blocks requests when it detects non-human requests.
You might be able to circumvent this by use the Wayback Machine. I have found that on some occasions that will work.
If you want an easy way to interact with the Wayback Machine from Matlab, you can get my WBM function from the FEX.
  댓글 수: 14
Rik 2021년 5월 19일
If your IT department policy even disables reaching out to, you should ask them for suggestions.
If you have such a strict environment, why do you want to dynamically load a file from the internet anyway?
Joanna Przeworska
Joanna Przeworska 2021년 5월 20일
To be honest I didn't know it was that strict. I was hoping there was a solution. Anyway, I'm really grateful for the time you took to help me.

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