help with the parameters

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
dav 2013년 7월 18일
Following is a code im using to estimate the parameters using the least absolute deviation using a program I found online.
However, my estimates are not accurate . they should both be equal to 0.1. Also is there a way to add a constraint that the parameters are positive?
T = 300;
a0 = 0.1; a1 = 0.1;
ra = randn(T+2000,1);
unvar = a0/(1-a1);
for i = 1:T+2000
if (i==1)
simsig(i) = unvar;
epsi(i) = ra(i) * s;
simsig(i) = a0+ a1*(epsi(i-1))^2;
epsi(i) = ra(i)* s;
epsi2 = epsi.^2;
y = epsi2(2001:T+2000);
Minimizing the sums of squares of errors is appropriate when
the noise in your model is normally distributed. Its not
uncommon to expect a normal error structure. But sometimes
we choose instead to minimize the sum of absolute errors.
How do we do this? Its a linear programming trick this time.
For each data point, we add a pair of unknowns called slack
variables. Thus
y(i) = a + b*x(i) + u(i) - v(i)
Here the scalars a and b, and the vectors u and v are all unknowns.
We will constrain both u(i) and v(i) to be non-negative. Solve
the linear programming system with equality constraints as
above, and the objective will be to minimize sum(u) + sum(v).
The total number of unknowns will be 2+2*n, where n is the
number of data points in our "regression" problem.
len = length(y);
x = zeros(len,p);
for i = 1:p
x(1+i:len,i) = y(1:len-i,1);
% formulate the linear programming problem.
n = length(x);
% our objective sums both u and v, ignores the regression
% coefficients themselves.
f = [0 0 ones(1,2*n)]';
% a and b are unconstrained, u and v vectors must be positive.
LB = [-inf -inf , zeros(1,2*n)];
% no upper bounds at all.
UB = [];
% Build the regression problem as EQUALITY constraints, when
% the slack variables are included in the problem.
Aeq = [ones(n,1), x, eye(n,n), -eye(n,n)];
beq = y;
% estimation using linprog
params = linprog(f,[],[],Aeq,beq,LB,UB);
% we can now drop the slack variables
coef = params(1:2)

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