Error using vertcat Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I understand that this code returns a vector length of 303 but the initail vector (y0) only contains 3. I am not sure how to fix this error.
Vspan = [0 10];
y0 = [0 570 (50*101.325)];
[V,y] = ode45(@(~,y) fun(del_h1,del_cp1,cp1),Vspan,y0);
function dydt = fun(~,y,del_h1,del_cp1,cp1)
X = y(1);
T = y(2);
P = y(3);
% inital parameters
T0 = 570; % [K] inlet temp
P0 = 50*101325; % [Pa] inlet pressure
Ft0 = 8000; % inlet total flow rate w mixture [kmol/hr]
%T = 570:2.3:800; % 800 is max temp allowed [K]
Ac = 3; % cross sectional area [m^3]
R = 8.314*1000; % [J/kmol.K]
%X= 0:.01:1;
%T = T';
%X = X';
% mol fractions
% let 1 = H2, 2 = CO, 3 = CH4, 4 = H2O
% 5 = CO2, 6 = C2H4, 7 = N2
y10 = 0.555; y20 = 0.215; y30 = 0.167;
y50 = 0.033; y60 = 0.019; y70 = 0.011; % inert gases
% molar masses [kg/kmol]
m1 = 2.016; m2 = 28.01; m3 = 16.04; m4 = 18.016; m5 = 44.01;
m6 = 30.07; m7 = 28.02;
% finding density of gas mixture (not sure if this is right way lol)
% should inert gases be included?
% found this at
mt = y10*m1 + y20*m2 +y30*m3 + y50*m5 + y60*m6 + y70*m7; % total mass [kg/kmol]
yt = y10 + y20 + y30 + y50 + y60 + y70; % total mole fraction
rho = (P.*mt)./(yt.*R.*T); % density of mixture
% flow rates [kmol/hr]
F10 = Ft0*y10; F20 = Ft0*y20; F30 = Ft0*y30;
% thetas
theta_b = F20/F10; theta_c = F30/F10;
% flow rates [kmol/hr]
delta = -2/3;
F1 = F10.*(1-X);
F2 = F10.*(theta_b - (X./3));
F3 = F10.*(theta_c + (X./3));
F4 = (F10.*X)/3;
Ft = Ft0 + delta.*F10.*X;
% masses
% finding concentrations
% note that: density = (molar flow)/(volumetric flow)
E = y10*delta;
vo = Ft0/Ac; % not the right volumetric flow rate
v = vo*(1+E.*X).*(T./T0).*(P0./P); % volumetric flow rate
C1 = F1./v; C2 = F2./v; C3 = F3./v; C4 = F4./v;
% let 1 = H2, 2 = CO, 3 = CH4, 4 = H2O, 5 = CO2, 6 = C2H4, 7 = N2
% parameters
a = [28.84 28.95 34.31 33.46 36.11 49.37 29]/10^3;
b = [.00765 .411 5.469 .688 4.233 13.92 .2199]/10^5;
c = [.3288 .3548 .3661 .7604 -2.887 -5.816 .5723]/10^8;
d = [-.8698 -2.22 -11 -3.593 7.464 7.28 -2.871]/10^12;
a = a';
b = b';
c = c';
d = d';
rho_cat = (1.14*(100^3))/1000; % [kg/m^3] catalyst density
D = ((2.81E-06).*T + 1.68E-04)/(100^2); % [m^2/s] effective diffusivity
area = 150*1000; % [m^2/kg.catalyst]
volume = (0.395*1000)/(100^3); % pore volume [m^3/kg]
UaTaT = 0; % this is U*a*(Ta-T) which is neglible
% arrhenius equation
A = [0.2687 9.706E-12 4.124E-09]/1000; % [in Pascal]
Ea = [70 -90 -68.5]*1000; % [kPa] may need to multiply by 1000 to get into Pa
K0 = A(1)*exp(-Ea(1)./(R.*T));
K1 = A(2)*exp(-Ea(2)./(R.*T));
K2 = A(3)*exp(-Ea(3)./(R.*T));
% partial pressures
P1 = P.*y10;
P2 = P.*y20;
r1 = -( (K0.*P1) ./ ( (1+sqrt(K1.*P1)+(K2.*P2)).^2) );
r1_prime = r1/rho_cat;
% effectiveness factor
tmod = 0.16.*sqrt(1./((2.81E-06).*T + 1.68E-04));
n = (3.*(tmod.*cot(tmod) - 1))./(tmod.^2); % effectiveness factor
% Erguen equation stuff
y = P./P0;
U = v./Ac;
phi = 0.4;
gc = 1; % for metric system
Dp = 0.32/100; % [m] particle diameter
G = rho_cat.*U;
u = 3.2*10^-4; % viscosity
Bo = ((G.*(1-phi))./(rho_cat.*gc.*Dp.*(phi.^3))).*(((150.*(1-phi)*u)./Dp) + 1.75.*G);
gamma = (2.*Bo)./(Ac.*rho_cat.*(1-phi).*P0);
dydt = [ -r1_prime.*n./F10; % dXdW
(1./rho_cat).*( (UaTaT + n.*r1_prime.*del_h1) ./ (F10.*(cp1+ del_cp1.*X)) ); % dTdW
(-gamma./(2.*y)).*(T./T0).*(1+E.*X) ];% dydW
%dydt = dydt';

답변 (1개)

James Tursa
James Tursa 2021년 5월 6일
You have a mismatch in the number of arguments. E.g., this
[V,y] = ode45(@(~,y) fun(del_h1,del_cp1,cp1),Vspan,y0);
should be this
[V,y] = ode45(@(t,y) fun(t,y,del_h1,del_cp1,cp1),Vspan,y0);
  댓글 수: 5
Cesar Rubio
Cesar Rubio 2021년 5월 6일
I am thinking the error has something to deal with the 'dydt' having a much longer vector length than 'y0' but I do not know how to fix this. My goal is to solve the ODE's for a many ranges of cp1, del_cp1, and del_h1 values.

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