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Help. I'm trying to created a code that...........
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I'm trying to created a code that doing something like this, when v (time serie) changes only from negative to positive (zero crossings),this was separated by at least 4 elements from other zero crossings(left and right direction), and if I take 8 elements (from zero crossings)to the right, at least the 80% of the elements were positive,and if i take 6 elements to the left (from zero crossings), at least the 60% of the elements were negative. (I have a huge data serie , and I'm trying to generate a code that I can rearrange the parameters.
v=[-1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1]
댓글 수: 4
2013년 7월 17일
How large is "huge"? It matters if you want to process 1GB of data or only some MB.
답변 (2개)
Andrei Bobrov
2013년 7월 16일
a = v == 1;
ii = [true;diff(a(:)) ~= 0];
i0 = find(ii);
iii = reshape(diff([i0;numel(a)+1]),2,[])';
i1 = reshape(i0,2,[])';
indexout = i1(all(bsxfun(@le,[.6 .8],bsxfun(@rdivide,iii,[6 8])),2),2);
2013년 7월 17일
편집: Jan
2013년 7월 17일
[value, rep, index] = RunLength(v);
n = numel(value);
match = zeros(1, n); % Pre-allocate
iMatch = 0;
first = find(index > 6, 1, 'first'); % Or <= ?
last = find(index < numel(v) - 8, 1, 'last'); % Or <= ?
for k = first:last
if n(k-1) < 4 && n(k) < 4 % Or <= ?
q = index(k);
if sum(v(q:q+7) == 1) / 8 < 0.8 % Or q+1:q+8 ?
if sum(v(q-6:q-1) == 1) / 6 < 0.6 % Or q-5:q ?
% All conditions match:
iMatch = iMatch + 1;
match(iMatch) = k;
match = match(1:iMatch);
Some points are not clear yet, e.g. if "8 elements to the right" is inclusive or exclusive the current element. But if this is cleared, e.g. the conditiosn could be vectorized easily. But it is not sure if this is faster and perhaps the speed of the loop is sufficient already.
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