How to read a mraw file

조회 수: 79 (최근 30일)
lylia ighmouracene
lylia ighmouracene 2021년 4월 27일
댓글: Clarice du Plessis 2024년 10월 3일
I have a video in .mraw and I would like to read it and exploit it but with the function I found, does not work because it is .cih and i have .cihx if someone could help me please
thank you in advance
  댓글 수: 2
Mathilde Schneider
Mathilde Schneider 2021년 7월 1일
편집: Mathilde Schneider 2021년 7월 1일
Hi Lylia,
I'm facing the same issue, and using the readmraw doesn't seems to work. Have you managed to figure it out?
Phil Kreth
Phil Kreth 2021년 8월 31일
Please see my reply below. I edited SEP's readmraw.m function to handle .cihx files (as well as corner cases for newer .cih files).

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채택된 답변

Shadaab Siddiqie
Shadaab Siddiqie 2021년 4월 30일
From my understanding you want to read .mraw file. You can refer to the code bellow.
I=readmraw('Photron_mraw_example',[1 10]);
for n=1:1:10
imshow(I.Images.RawImages(:,:,n),[0 3000]);
Here readmraw function is from Photron MRAW File Reader.

추가 답변 (2개)

Phil Kreth
Phil Kreth 2021년 8월 31일
편집: Phil Kreth 2024년 9월 9일
Hi everyone. I have edited the readmraw function that was written by "SEP" to handle either .cih or .cihx files. The originally function is posted on the FileExchange here -
Below is a copy of the new readmraw.m file that you can use.
function imgs = readmraw(filename, numImgs)
% readmraw.m
% READMRAW Read Photron MRAW files into MATLAB
% imgs = READMRAW('C:\Photron\Filename.mraw', [a,b]) loads images a
% through b from 'C:\Photron\Filename.mraw' into matrix imgs.
% Remarks
% -------
% This function must be handed the common *.cih(x) and *.mraw file name
% and the range of images to be loaded (MATLAB may not handle the entire
% image range for large files).
% NOTE: Both the *.cih(x) file and the *.mraw file are utilized
% Autor: SEP Creation Date: Jun 20, 2013
% Editor: Phil Kreth Modification Date: Sep 9, 2024
% Examples
% --------
% % Load all images
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', 0);
% % Load images 10 through 50
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', [10,50]);
% % Load image 10
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', 10);
fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.cih',filename(1:end-5)),'r');
if fid1 < 0
fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.cihx',filename(1:end-5)),'r');
cihx = true;
cihx = false;
fid2 = fopen(sprintf('%s',filename),'r');
if fid1 < 1 || fid2 < 1
error(['Could not locate .CIH or .CIHX header for file: ''' filename '''']);
if ~cihx % CIH FILE
% Read Header Information
Header = textscan(fid1,'%s','delimiter',':');
Header = Header{1};
color_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Color Type')) + 1;
if strcmp(cell2mat(Header(color_ind(1))), 'Color')
color = true;
color = false;
bit_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Color Bit')) + 1;
bits = str2double(cell2mat(Header(bit_ind(1))));
if color
bits = bits/3;
bit_depth = sprintf('ubit%d', bits);
frame_ind = find(startsWith(Header, 'Total Frame')) + 1;
Total_Frames = str2double(cell2mat(Header(frame_ind(1))));
width_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Image Width')) + 1;
Width = str2double(cell2mat(Header(width_ind(1))));
height_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Image Height')) + 1;
Height = str2double(cell2mat(Header(height_ind(1))));
% fps_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Record Rate(fps)')) + 1;
% fps = str2double(cell2mat(Header(fps_ind(1))));
else % CIHX FILE
% Read Header Information
Header = textscan(fid1,'%s','delimiter',{'<','>'});
Header = Header{1};
color_ind = find(contains(Header, 'type')) + 1;
if strcmp(cell2mat(Header(color_ind(1))), 'Color')
color = true;
color = false;
bit_ind = find(contains(Header, 'bit')) + 1;
bits = str2double(cell2mat(Header(bit_ind(1))));
if color
bits = bits/3;
bit_depth = sprintf('ubit%d', bits);
frame_ind = find(contains(Header, 'totalFrame')) + 1;
Total_Frames = str2double(cell2mat(Header(frame_ind(1))));
width_ind = find(contains(Header, 'width')) + 1;
Width = str2double(cell2mat(Header(width_ind(1))));
height_ind = find(contains(Header, 'height')) + 1;
Height = str2double(cell2mat(Header(height_ind(1))));
% fps_ind = find(contains(Header, 'recordRate')) + 1;
% fps = str2double(cell2mat(Header(fps_ind(1))));
Pixels = Width*Height;
% Define Image Range
if numImgs == 0 % load all the images
first_frame = 1;
frames = Total_Frames;
elseif length(numImgs) == 1 % load a single image
first_frame = numImgs;
frames = 1;
else % load a specified range of images
first_frame = numImgs(1,1);
last_frame = numImgs(1,2);
frames = last_frame-first_frame+1;
% Load Images
bytes_offset = (first_frame-1)*Pixels*bits/8;
if color
bytes_offset = bytes_offset*3;
fseek(fid2, bytes_offset, 'bof');
if bits > 8
data_fmt = 'uint16';
data_fmt = 'uint8';
if color
imgs = zeros(Pixels*3, frames, data_fmt);
for n = 1:frames
imgs(:,n) = fread(fid2, Pixels*3, bit_depth, 0, 'b');
imgs = [imgs(1:3:end,:); imgs(2:3:end,:); imgs(3:3:end,:)]; % separate color channels
imgs = reshape(imgs, [Width*Height 3 frames]); % reshape to separate color channels
N = [Width Height 3 frames];
imgs = permute(reshape(imgs, N), [2 1 3 4]); % standard reshape and permute
imgs = zeros(Pixels, frames, data_fmt);
for n = 1:frames
imgs(:,n) = fread(fid2, Pixels, bit_depth, 0, 'b');
N = [Width Height frames];
imgs = permute(reshape(imgs, N), [2 1 3]);
*Note: I updated this code on September 9, 2024 to handle an edge case that was found when trying to read all images with a version 3 CIH file. Sometimes, you may have encountered an error if you saved a couple copies of the MRAW and one of those had fewer frames than an earlier copy. Loading all frames with a 0 entered for the second argument could produce an error as the code would have looked for the larger number of frames instead of the correct one.
  댓글 수: 4
Jonny Cheng
Jonny Cheng 2023년 5월 31일
Hello Phil,
Thanks for your contributions on the scripts.
I have modified the code to read the cih file for a Photron SA-Z color camera. However, for the same camera with cihx file. The image shows wired color and lower resolution. Could you check my code and tell what is wrong?
function imgs = readmrawcihx2(filename, numImgs)
% readmraw.m
% READMRAW Read Photron MRAW files into MATLAB
% imgs = READMRAW('C:\Photron\Filename.mraw', [a,b]) loads images a
% through b from 'C:\Photron\Filename.mraw' into matrix imgs.
% Remarks
% -------
% This function must be handed the common *.cih(x) and *.mraw file name
% and the range of images to be loaded (MATLAB may not handle the entire
% image range for large files).
% NOTE: Both the *.cih(x) file and the *.mraw file are utilized
% Autor: SEP Creation Date: June 20,2013
% Editor: Phil Kreth Modification Date: Aug 31, 2021
% Examples
% --------
% % Load all images
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', 0);
% % Load images 10 through 50
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', [10,50]);
% % Load image 10
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', 10);
fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.cih',filename(1:end-4)),'r');
if fid1 < 0
fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.cihx',filename(1:end-5)),'r');
fid2 = fopen(sprintf('%s.mraw',filename(1:end-5)),'r');
cihx = true;
fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.cih',filename(1:end-4)),'r');
fid2 = fopen(sprintf('%s.mraw',filename(1:end-4)),'r');
cihx = false;
%fid2 = fopen(sprintf('%s.mraw',filename(1:end-5)),'r');
if fid1 < 1 && fid2 < 1
error(['Could not locate .CIH or .CIHX header for file: ''' filename '''']);
if ~cihx % CIH FILE
% Read Header Information
Header = textscan(fid1,'%s','delimiter',':');
Header = Header{1,1};
color_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Color Type')) + 1;
if strcmp(cell2mat(Header(color_ind(1))), 'Color')
color = true;
color = false;
bit_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Color Bit')) + 1;
bits = str2double(cell2mat(Header(bit_ind(1))));
if color
bits = bits/3;
bit_depth = sprintf('ubit%d', bits);
frame_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Total Frame')) + 1;
Total_Frames = str2double(cell2mat(Header(frame_ind(1))));
width_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Image Width')) + 1;
Width = str2double(cell2mat(Header(width_ind(1))));
height_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Image Height')) + 1;
Height = str2double(cell2mat(Header(height_ind(1))));
% fps_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Record Rate(fps)')) + 1;
% fps = str2double(cell2mat(Header(fps_ind(1))));
else % CIHX FILE
% Read Header Information
Header = textscan(fid1,'%s','delimiter',{'<','>'});
Header = Header{1};
color_ind = find(contains(Header, 'type')) + 1;
if strcmp(cell2mat(Header(color_ind(1))), 'RawBayer')
color = true;
color = false;
bit_ind = find(contains(Header, 'bit')) + 1;
bits = str2double(cell2mat(Header(bit_ind(1))));
if color
bits = bits/3;
bit_depth = sprintf('ubit%d', bits);
frame_ind = find(contains(Header, 'totalFrame')) + 1;
Total_Frames = str2double(cell2mat(Header(frame_ind(1))));
width_ind = find(contains(Header, 'width')) + 1;
Width = str2double(cell2mat(Header(width_ind(1))));
height_ind = find(contains(Header, 'height')) + 1;
Height = str2double(cell2mat(Header(height_ind(1))));
% fps_ind = find(contains(Header, 'recordRate')) + 1;
% fps = str2double(cell2mat(Header(fps_ind(1))));
Pixels = Width*Height;
% Define Image Range
if numImgs == 0 % load all the images
first_frame = 1;
frames = Total_Frames;
elseif length(numImgs) == 1 % load a single image
first_frame = numImgs;
frames = 1;
else % load a specified range of images
first_frame = numImgs(1,1);
last_frame = numImgs(1,2);
frames = last_frame-first_frame+1;
% Load Images
bytes_offset = (first_frame-1)*Pixels*bits/8;%
if color
bytes_offset = bytes_offset*3;
fseek(fid2, bytes_offset, 'bof');
if bits > 8
data_fmt = 'uint16';
data_fmt = 'uint8';
if color
imgs = zeros(Pixels*3, frames, data_fmt);
for n = 1:frames
imgs(:,n) = fread(fid2, Pixels*3, bit_depth, 0, 'b');
imgs = [imgs(1:3:end,:); imgs(2:3:end,:); imgs(3:3:end,:)]; % separate color channels
imgs = reshape(imgs, [Width*Height 3 frames]); % reshape to separate color channels
N = [Width Height 3 frames];
imgs = permute(reshape(imgs, N), [2 1 3 4]); % standard reshape and permute
imgs = zeros(Pixels, frames, data_fmt);
for n = 1:frames
imgs(:,n) = fread(fid2, Pixels, bit_depth, 0, 'b');
N = [Width Height frames];
imgs = permute(reshape(imgs, N), [2 1 3]);
Phil Kreth
Phil Kreth 2024년 6월 13일
I know I'm super late with my reply here, but I can't find what's going on with your code unless I have an example file to work with. I don't have access to a color SA-Z, so it's challenging to guestimate what I might need to modify. Can you share a CIH(X) and MRAW with me? Anything that's got a couple of frames would be fine, and I would recommend uploading to a public resource like Google Drive.

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Turbulence Analysis
Turbulence Analysis 2024년 2월 17일
With this function, I am getting the below error
Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 589824-by-1 and
the size of the right side is 17977-by-1.
Error in readmraw (line 126)
imgs(:,n) = fread(fid2, Pixels, bit_depth, 0, 'b');
  댓글 수: 2
Phil Kreth
Phil Kreth 2024년 6월 13일
Hi there, Turbulence Analysis,
Sorry for the late reply. I don't monitor this site.
It looks like the code was anticipating a much larger image than what was being fed in through the fread() command. The interesting thing about the fread() output there being 17977x1 is that 17977 is a prime number, so there's no way it could be divided up (by bit depth, by color vs grayscale, or by any width & height combination). What were the characteristics of the file you were trying to feed in (W, H, Number of Frames, Bit Depth, Color vs Grayscale)?
Clarice du Plessis
Clarice du Plessis 2024년 10월 3일
Hi Turbulence Analysis
I got the same error when I specified the filename as .cihx. Changing it to .mraw solved the issue for me.

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