Finding the index of duplicate rows in a cell

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
NA 2021년 4월 20일
편집: Jan 2021년 4월 21일
I have A and B
A = [3,8; 8,9; 8,9; 3,9; 3,9; 3,5; 5,10; 5,10; 3,10; 3,17; 3,17; 11,17; 10,11; 10,11; 3,10];
B = {[3,8;8,9;9,3];[3,5;5,10;3,10];[3,17;3,10;10,11;11,17]};
I want to find indices of all rows in the cell and the repeated rows
I use this code
for i=1:numel(B)
[~,X] = intersect(A,sort(B{i},2),'rows','stable');
index_temp{i} = X;
But it does not give me for the repeated rows
Result should be:
index_temp ={[1;2;3;4;5],[6,7,8,9],[10,11,15,13,14,12]}

채택된 답변

Jan 2021년 4월 20일
편집: Jan 2021년 4월 21일
A = [3,8; 8,9; 8,9; 3,9; 3,9; 3,5; 5,10; 5,10; 3,10; 3,17; 3,17; 11,17; 10,11; 10,11; 3,10];
B = {[3,8;8,9;9,3]; [3,5;5,10;3,10]; [3,17;3,10;10,11;11,17]};
result = cell(1, numel(B)); % Pre-allocate
for k = 1:numel(B)
X = ismember(A, sort(B{k}, 2), 'rows');
result{k} = find(X);

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