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Logistic Growth Model - Code and Plot

조회 수: 66 (최근 30일)
Emma Hadley
Emma Hadley 2021년 4월 11일
답변: Jaswanth 2024년 7월 26일
I need to plot a differential equation that shows logistic growth. The equation is: P=(K*A*e^r*t)/(1+A*e^r*t)
where K is the carrying capacity, a constant, and K = 1,704,885 and A = 0.0122.
I need the correct code so that I can solve for r, as well as put different t to find the population at varying times.
I also need to plot the solution. Thank you for any help!

답변 (1개)

Jaswanth 2024년 7월 26일
The following example code can help you solve the logistic growth equation for different values of time t, given the carrying capacity K, the constant A, and the growth rate r. It also plots the population P over time.
% Define constants
K = 1704885; % Carrying capacity
A = 0.0122; % Constant
r = 0.1; % Growth rate (you can adjust this value as needed)
% Define the time vector
t = linspace(0, 100, 1000); % Time from 0 to 100 in 1000 steps
% Calculate the population P at each time t
P = (K * A .* exp(r .* t)) ./ (1 + A .* exp(r .* t));
% Plot the solution
plot(t, P, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2);
title('Logistic Growth');
grid on;
To solve for different values of r, you can adjust the value of r in the example and re-run it. I hope the information provided above is helpful.


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