Optimization involving dot and cross product of two unit length variables

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Hi all,
I am trying to minimize the following function w.r.t. ,
, such that and
where are scalars and known. are known. the (.) and the(x) are the dot and cross products respectively.
Is there any way I could implement this using matlab?

채택된 답변

William Rose
William Rose 2021년 4월 2일
The function you want to minimze is below.
function y=AhmadsFunc(p)
%Ahmad Hamad's function to be minimized
s1=p(1:3); %extract s1 from p
s2=p(4:6); %extract s2 from p
j=1; %insert desired values for j,k,ahat,D,B
p=[s1;s2] is a 6x1 vector containing s1 and s2.
The nonlinear constraint function is
function [c,ceq]=AhmadsConstraints(p)
%Nonlinear constraints for Ahmad's problem.
%There are no inequality constraints.
%The equality constraints should each equal zero.
c=-1; %inequality constraint, must be <=0
ceq(1)=p(1)^2+p(2)^2+p(3)^2-1; %||s1||=1
ceq(2)=p(4)^2+p(5)^2+p(6)^2-1; %||s2||=1
The main program, below, makes an initial guess for p0=[s10;s20]. It calls fmincon(). Pass to fmincon() the initial guess, and the functon to be minimzed, and the function that returns the nonlinear contraints. fmincon() returns the best-fit parameter values.
%AhmadsMain.m Ahmad Hamad & WCR
%Calls AhmadsFunc.m and AhmadsConstraints.m.
s10=[1;0;0]; s20=[0;1;0];
fprintf('s1=%.3f,%.3f,%.3f, s2=%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\n',p);
fprintf('Length of s1=%.3f, length of s2=%.3f\n',norm(p(1:3)),norm(p(4:6)));
Here's the result I get.
>> AhmadsMain
Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints.
Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in
feasible directions, to within the default value of the optimality tolerance,
and constraints are satisfied to within the default value of the constraint tolerance.
<stopping criteria details>
s1=0.300,0.538,0.788, s2=0.521,0.484,0.703
Length of s1=1.000, length of s2=1.000
You may get a different "best fit" if you change the initial guess, because fmincon() may find a local mimimum that is not a global minimum. Try different initial guesses, if this is a concern. I always do. I put the fitting routine inside a loop. I use a different initial guess on each pass. I save the fits from each pass and then, when the loop is done, I choose the best of them.

추가 답변 (1개)

Matt J
Matt J 2021년 4월 2일
Yes, with fmincon()


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