Unable to post any comments/answers on MATLAB Answers

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
Nikhil Sonavane
Nikhil Sonavane 2021년 3월 23일
댓글: Pawel Szczepanowski 2021년 12월 21일
I am unable to post anything on MATLAB Answers. Even if I have anything written in the answer body, the error shown is "There was a problem saving the answer. Enter answer body". Please refer to the screenshot attached. This error is specifically when I am using Safari as the browser and things work fine with other browsers. I had worked on Safari previously and never faced such an error. Can someone help?
Thanks in advance.
  댓글 수: 2
Rik 2021년 3월 23일
Wouldn't it be more effective to ask internally?
Normally I would respond that people posting here generally don't work for Mathworks, so for anything requiring a site admin you should contact support. I suspect you could take a more direct route.
Pawel Szczepanowski
Pawel Szczepanowski 2021년 12월 21일
I got this notification when i would like to post my question :
  • Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to
i changed my Matlab central nickname. Do u have any ideas, how i can solve it?

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채택된 답변

Tushal Desai
Tushal Desai 2021년 3월 23일
(Answers dev) This issue has been addressed. Please clear the browser's cache if you still see the same error.

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