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why do I get error "Unable to use a value of type string as an index.??"

조회 수: 245 (최근 30일)
Aminata camara
Aminata camara 2021년 3월 16일
댓글: Aminata camara 2021년 3월 17일
I wrote a code but I keep getting this error:Unable to use a value of type string as an index., how is that?
%Accepts an input character array from the user and determines how
%many times a user-specified character appears within the character array.
Define variables
check_string- user-specified character
noccur-Number of time charU appears
%Get a character array
strA_a=string(input('Enter a character array: ','s'));
%Get a user-specified character within the character array
check_string=string(input('Enter a specified character to check occurence: ','s'));
%Get the number of count c coours within A
%Tell the user
fprintf('the letter %c occurs %d times in the string.\n',check_string,noccur)

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 3월 17일
편집: Walter Roberson 2021년 3월 17일
You probably accidentally assigned a value to a variable named count so that count() in your code is an indexing request instead of a function call.
(Or you might have done so in the past and you had not cleared your variables since then.)
The part of the instructions about accepting an input character array could be interpreted as expecting you to write a function that takes a parameter that is type char and which is not necessarily a character vector -- for example that it might be valid for the user to pass in
M = ['hi there';
'aminata ']
M = 2×8 char array
'hi there' 'aminata '
and that the counts are to be processed for that. If so, then be careful in your code:
MS = string(M)
MS = 2×1 string array
"hi there" "aminata "
count(MS, "t")
ans = 2×1
1 1
Notice the result of string() of a character array is one string entry per row of the character array, and that if you count() on a string array that the result is per string entry, not total.


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