Sending data on modbus protocol from simulink

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
BHARAT 2013년 5월 18일
답변: Sten Even 2015년 1월 13일
I need to communicate a PLC with a simulation model. I want to send data by serial communication to PLC and read it there. My PLC supports MODBUS protocol for serial communication. I would like to know that how can I send my data from my simulink model on serial port via MODBUS RTU protocol.

답변 (3개)

saeed sabaee
saeed sabaee 2013년 8월 21일
Dear Chris, I'm working on same project and I was wondering if you keep me informed of your project.

saeed sabaee
saeed sabaee 2013년 8월 21일
Dear BHARAT, I'm working on same project and I was wondering if you keep me informed of your project.
  댓글 수: 1
Sten Even
Sten Even 2015년 1월 13일
Hi Saeed, Were you able to get the communication up and running?

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Sten Even
Sten Even 2015년 1월 13일
Hi, Is there anyone who have been able to get the Simulink -> Modbus RTU -> external device - communication up and running?
BR Sten


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