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Plotting swept data in 3D plot without link between sweeps

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Em 2021년 2월 26일
답변: Jaswanth 2024년 6월 14일
Hi everyone!
I want to plot my data in 3D without a link between sweeps. This is my current code.
X = reshape(M0dBmto15dBm_0offset_1msdelaya(1:end,1),3,[]);
Y = reshape(M0dBmto15dBm_0offset_1msdelaya(1:end,2),3,[]);
Z = reshape(M0dBmto15dBm_0offset_1msdelaya(1:end,4),3,[]);
Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this short of just creating loads of new arrays?

답변 (1개)

Jaswanth 2024년 6월 14일
To plot 3D data without linking points across different sweeps, one effective approach is to use the ‘plot3’ function instead of the “surf” function . The ‘plot3’ function plots discrete points or lines in 3D space but does not automatically create a surface between these points.
To plot each sweep separately and avoid linking between them, you can loop through each sweep and plot them one at a time.
Please refer to the following example code to know how to plot 3D data using “plot3” function:
% Simulate some data for demonstration
% Let's assume we have 3 sweeps, each with 10 points.
numSweeps = 3;
pointsPerSweep = 10;
M0dBmto15dBm_0offset_1msdelay = array2table(rand(numSweeps * pointsPerSweep, 4)); % Random data
% Convert table to array
M0dBmto15dBm_0offset_1msdelaya = table2array(M0dBmto15dBm_0offset_1msdelay);
% Preparing data for plotting
X = reshape(M0dBmto15dBm_0offset_1msdelaya(:,1), pointsPerSweep, []);
Y = reshape(M0dBmto15dBm_0offset_1msdelaya(:,2), pointsPerSweep, []);
Z = reshape(M0dBmto15dBm_0offset_1msdelaya(:,4), pointsPerSweep, []);
% Plotting each sweep separately
figure; % Create a new figure
hold on; % Keep the plot window active to plot multiple sweeps
colors = lines(numSweeps); % Get some colors for the sweeps
for i = 1:numSweeps
plot3(X(:,i), Y(:,i), Z(:,i), 'o-', 'Color', colors(i,:)); % Plot each sweep with a unique color
hold off; % No more plots will be added
title('3D Plot of Data without Linking Sweeps');
grid on; % Add a grid for better visualization
Please refer to the image below to see the 3D output of the above code:
Kindly refer to the following MathWorks documentation to know more about the “plot3” function: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/plot3.html?searchHighlight=plot3&s_tid=srchtitle_support_results_1_plot3
I hope the information provided above is helpful.


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