surfacem: How to display nans in white color?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Iris Hinrichs
Iris Hinrichs 2013년 5월 14일
Hi there,
under the following link, it was suggested by Sergey to use
h=imagesc(X,Y,C) set(h,'alphadata',~isnan(C))
to make the nans appear in white color. This works perfectly fine for imagesc but I have to use surfacem and in this case, the nans don't display in white, unfortunately. Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance, Iris

답변 (1개)

Iris Hinrichs
Iris Hinrichs 2013년 5월 14일
I found it out myself. The solution is
h = surfacem(C) set(h,'alphadatamapping', 'none','alphadata', double(~isnan(C)), 'FaceAlpha', 'texturemap')


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