Make transparent overlay heat map of same dimensions to tiff?

조회 수: 19 (최근 30일)
Theodore Fisher
Theodore Fisher 2021년 2월 19일
답변: Keerthana Chiruvolu 2021년 2월 22일
When i overlay the image and heatmap they are different dimensions and the heatmap is solid when i need it to be transparent below a certain threshold. Any ideas?
overSMA = imread('binaryp60SMA .tif')
hold on
A = pcolor(finalM60);
shading interp;
set(gca, 'clim', [0 0.08]);
colormap([0 0 0; jet]);
shading interp;
axis equal
colormap parula

답변 (1개)

Keerthana Chiruvolu
Keerthana Chiruvolu 2021년 2월 22일
Use the imshowpair() function to overlay the images.
For more information, please refer the link.


Help CenterFile Exchange에서 Colormaps에 대해 자세히 알아보기


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