Plotting Timetable in Matlab

조회 수: 225 (최근 30일)
Anders Vigen
Anders Vigen 2021년 2월 19일
답변: cui,xingxing 2024년 7월 3일
Time=TR({'05-05-2020','05-06-2020 00:00:00'},:);
T = timetable2table(Time)
I am trying to plot my timetable, but it will only plot a single point for it. So instead of plotting the whole data series for 'Time' it only plots for the first point. I tried converting it to an array but that didn't work out too well. Hopefully somebody can help me

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Anders Vigen
Anders Vigen 2021년 2월 23일

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Duncan Po
Duncan Po 2021년 2월 19일
The line:
Time=TR({'05-05-2020','05-06-2020 00:00:00'},:);
only extracts two rows from TR. So Time only has two rows. Then when you define x and y, the first row is discarded, so x and y are scalar. That's the reason only one point is plotted.
If you want the entire series, just use the entire TR instead of extracting only two rows.
  댓글 수: 17
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 2월 21일
The representation of hours turned out to be strange :(
load_demand = readtable("Demand_timeseries_1hourResolution.xlsx");
h = cellfun(@(S) sscanf(S, '%d', 1), load_demand.Hours);
load_demand.Time = load_demand.Date + hours(h);
mask = isbetween(load_demand{:, 1}, datetime('2020-05-05'), datetime('2020-05-06')-minutes(1));
x = load_demand.Time(mask);
y = load_demand{mask,3};
plot(x, y);
Anders Vigen
Anders Vigen 2021년 2월 23일
@Walter Roberson you are a genius! It worked completely as it should. Thank you very much for the dedication on this issue!

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cui,xingxing 2024년 7월 3일
Here I give a Example:
tt = datetime+years(1:10); % 比如从现在时间开始,连续十年时间点
y = rand(10,1);
TT = timetable(tt',y)
TT = 10x1 timetable
Time y ____________________ ________ 03-Jul-2025 07:22:39 0.73968 03-Jul-2026 13:11:51 0.65843 03-Jul-2027 19:01:03 0.83686 03-Jul-2028 00:50:15 0.87343 03-Jul-2029 06:39:27 0.074945 03-Jul-2030 12:28:39 0.71392 03-Jul-2031 18:17:51 0.67515 03-Jul-2032 00:07:03 0.21619 03-Jul-2033 05:56:15 0.28457 03-Jul-2034 11:45:27 0.080194


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