Your data is best represented as a timetable in MATLAB. You can then use stackedplot to generate the visualization.
haa = readtimetable('Home_actionAll.csv');
haa = haa(:,{'Bed_to_Toilet_begin', 'Leave_Home_begin', 'Sleep_begin'}); % the begin variables seem to already capture the information, throw away the rest
haa = varfun(@(x)x>0, haa); % normalize to 0s and 1s
haa.Properties.VariableNames = {'Bed_to_Toilet', 'Leave_Home', 'Sleep'}; % fix the variable names
haa.Properties.VariableContinuity = {'step', 'step', 'step'}; % set continuity such that stairs plots are plotted
sp = stackedplot(haa);
Zooming in shows the stairs better: