zero fill

조회 수: 47 (최근 30일)
itsik 2011년 5월 15일
hello i need to make matrix [42X60] from matrix [42x52] how can i make it by filling with zeros? thank u very much!

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Arturo Moncada-Torres
Arturo Moncada-Torres 2011년 5월 15일
You can try something like this:
oldMatrix = ones(42,52); % The original matrix
newMatrix = zeros(42,60); % The new matrix (with zeros)
newMatrix(1:42, 1:52) = oldMatrix; % Overlap the original matrix in the new matrix
Hope it helps ;-) !
  댓글 수: 2
itsik 2011년 5월 15일
Arturo Moncada-Torres
Arturo Moncada-Torres 2011년 5월 16일
You are welcome ;)

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