Addition of numbers in array

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman 2021년 2월 13일
댓글: Steven Lord 2021년 2월 16일
Lets' say I have 2 vectors:
x = [7 4 6];
y = [1 4 4];
But these are not just vector consider them as A number, i.e., 746 and 144. Now I want to add these numbers (as we do on paper, carry method).
so the answer should be 890.
and want display like:
7 4 6
1 4 4
8 9 0
Please help me to code.

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Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2021년 2월 13일
This is one way
x = [7 4 6];
y = [1 4 4];
z = sscanf(sprintf('%d',x),'%d')+sscanf(sprintf('%d',y),'%d')
  댓글 수: 4
Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman 2021년 2월 15일
@KALYAN ACHARJYA, I am following your lines of code, but generating error when I do:
x = randi([0,9],1,20);
y = randi([0,9],1,20);
x_new = str2double(sprintf('%d',x));
y_new = str2double(sprintf('%d',y));
result = num2str(x_new+y_new) - '0';
The ouput I get (which is wrong):
9 6 1 3 0 5 4 9 8 4 8 1 3 9 9 7 6 3 9 1
7 6 8 3 7 8 3 5 9 5 3 6 3 7 4 4 6 9 3 8
can you please mention the mistake in running these lines. And help me to align (with same gap spaces) the result
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2021년 2월 16일
Your numbers are too large to guarantee that they can be stored exactly as double precision numbers.
x = 96130549848139976391;
rem(x, 10) % ones digit
ans = 8
spacing = eps(x)
spacing = 16384
The spacing between consecutive representable numbers in the vicinity of x is 16,384. It is too large even to be stored exactly as a uint64 number.
y = uint64(96130549848139976391) % Saturated at intmax
y = uint64 18446744073709551615
You will need to store your numbers and perform calculations in arbitrary precision arithmetic, like in Symbolic Math Toolbox.
s = sym('96130549848139976391')
s = 

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