Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch. Error in main (line 17) [y(:,6), a6] = curvepoly(​x_heun,y_h​eun,6);

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
this worked for me fine yesterday, I haven't changed anything and today it says Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
Error in main (line 17)
[y(:,6), a6] = curvepoly(x_heun,y_heun,6);
Why? and how do I fix it?
fx = inline('(y - ((y.^2)./x)./x)','x','y');
x0 = 1;
xf = 5;
y0 = 1;
tol = 0.001;
N = [1:0.1:5];
for i = 1:length(N)
[y_heun, x_heun] = Heun(fx,x0,xf,y0,N(i),tol);
[y(:,2), a2] = curvepoly(x_heun,y_heun,2);
function [y,a] = curvepoly(x_heun,y_heun,order)
j = order;
for k = 1:j + 1;
for i = 1:j + 1;
A(k,i) = sum(x_heun.^((k+i-2)));
for i = 1:j + 1;
B(i,:) = sum(y_heun.*x_heun.^(i-1));
a = inv(A)*B;
y = 0;
for i = 1:j+1
y = y+a(i).*x_heun.^(i-1);

답변 (1개)

Matt J
Matt J 2013년 4월 26일
The line in your error message does not appear in your code. I do see the rather similar line
[y(:,2), a2] = curvepoly(x_heun,y_heun,2);
which makes rather little sense within a loop over i, since it will just repeatedly overwrite y(:,2) and a2.
Perhaps that's what you changed.
  댓글 수: 1
Matt J
Matt J 2013년 4월 26일
Aside from that, your function curvepoly returns a vector of length order+1. If size(y,1) does not match this, it would result in the error you've shown.

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