Scroll arrows missing in web app Tabs

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Anand Venkatachalam
Anand Venkatachalam 2021년 2월 2일
답변: Anand Venkatachalam 2021년 2월 23일
I have a webapp that contains a lot of tabs and usually we need arrow to scroll to the Tabs that are not visible yet.
However, these arrows often donot appear during the loading of a webapp but they appear once we reload the webapp browser tab once or twice.
Is this an error due to webapp deployment that can be resolved by the developer or is it an unexpected error from webapp itself?
Thanks in advance for any leads to resolve this issue.

답변 (2개)

Sahithi Kanumarlapudi
Sahithi Kanumarlapudi 2021년 2월 23일
Could you let me know the release of MATLAB you are using ?
This issue was fixed in MATLAB R2020b. You can use R2020b version to overcome this issue.
Hope this helps!

Anand Venkatachalam
Anand Venkatachalam 2021년 2월 23일
Hallo Sahithi,
Thanks for the answer. The latest version i have tested the webapp was on R2020a. I will have an update in 2 weeks time. So hopefully then i can test it and check if it solves the issue.


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