How to adjust uitable() Column width depending on the amount of columns

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
Hi all,
I have a UiTable where different data can be shown. In every case the data is a single number and the VariableNames are much longer.
Now I want a function, which sets the column width to 30px, but only if there are enough columns that the table wouldt be to small for the size. I add an Image showing what dont have to happen.
I had following idea:
if app.table.Position(3) > size(app.Table.Data,2)*30 % Position 3 contains information about the table width, the left side of the comparisonis the size of all columns together
app.table.ColumnWidth = 'auto';
app.table.ColumnWidth = num2cell(ones(1,size(app.Table.Data,2))*30);
But the width of the RowNames Column isnt considered. I did not find a Property containing this Information. So this Solution doesnt work.
Does anybody know a solution for my problem or where to find the width of the RowNames Column?
Thank you very much!

채택된 답변

Sahithi Kanumarlapudi
Sahithi Kanumarlapudi 2021년 1월 27일
As of now, the width of RowNames column property cannot be customized. I have heard that this issue is known and the concerned parties may be investigating further. This may be enhanced in future releases.

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